Issues #2 and #3 in Print…

So in two weeks I’ll be heading out to Toronto for FanExpo again. This year I have issues #2 and #3 in print (Issue #1 will be available again), and I’ll have some art prints too. Also, the event is four days this year, from the 25th (Thursday) til the 28th (Sunday). If you’re in the area, come on out and say hi! 🙂 And, while you’re there, check out Matthew Ingraham’s and Miroki Tong’s art works/comic books too. Matt will be debuting Robot Jones Issue #1, and it looks pretty awesome. Just so you know… ***UPDATE: I’ll be at table A53-A55.***

Oh, I’ll be gradually tweaking the site during the month/when I have time to do so (e.g. the “Portfolio” gallery is a bit messed up – for now you can get the full image in the “flickr” link). Otherwise, I hope you like the changes so far.

Cheerio and all that.



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